About Us
Welcome to our place, where staff and students are all "Connected Learners for Life"鈥 Ng膩 膩konga t奴hono m艒 te ora
Gore High School was founded in 1908. It has a proud tradition and reputation as a school, which promotes educational excellence and high levels of achievement in all fields of endeavour.
We acknowledge the importance of our heritage and strive to preserve the traditions of the past, while building a contemporary foundation for our future. Staff and students at Gore High School are guided in their daily business by a shared belief in the traditional work ethic inherent in our school motto 鈥淧alma no sine Pulvere鈥; No Reward Without Effort.
We take every opportunity to demonstrate and articulate our family-based values, which are centred around 'Courtesy', 'Effort', and 'Responsibility'.
Key Information
- Region: Southland
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 483
- Authority: State
- International roll: 3
Māruawai College
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