
Located at the bottom of the South Island (and also including Stewart Island - ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ’s third biggest island), Southland is known for its scenery and outdoor experiences. The region is made up of two main urban areas - the city of Invercargill and the town of Gore. The windy city of Invercargill is known for architecture and stunning scenery. Due to the location of Invercargill, you may even find yourself being able to spot the beautiful Southern Lights. The town of Gore is known for its music scene and fishing. The small town is perfect for those looking for a more relaxed lifestyle, away from the hustle and bustle. The Southland region is home to many of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ’s main industries - including agriculture, tourism, fishing and forestry. With the stunning coastlines and spectacular scenery, Southland is an ideal location to call home. The friendly locals and welcoming communities make it easy for international students to settle into the Southland way of life.

Key Information
Population 98,000
Employment rate 72%
GDP Per Capita $52,497
Average Weekly Rent $235
Information provided by the