Glenfield Primary School

About the provider

Glenfield Primary School welcomes international students and the rich social mix international students provide in our school community. We provide a comprehensive programme for international students, designed to enable them to gain a full appreciation of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ life while developing their skills in English.

Our Mission: Career-Ready Graduates

We provide elite well-rounded career-ready education which helps prepare each student with the relevant knowledge and skills, employment competencies, values and attitudes that they need to make a meaningful difference to their career success. This will allow them to have the skills and experience to make a significant contribution to theirlives, their families and surrounding communities.

Our vision is to build a community growing successful learners, through the development of co-operative learning environments using inquiry based learning programmes across all learning areas. We provide connected, meaningful, learning experiences for students and utilise assessment data to identify learning needs of individual students. Our school’s curriculum is unique and responsive to what our community feels is important and desirable for students to learn. A regular and ongoing cycle of review is conducted. The curriculum principles are the foundation of curriculum decision making and are used for planning, prioritising and reviewing the school’s curriculum. 

All Glenfield Primary School classrooms are fully digitally active. Teachers use ICT to underpin the learning of their students and integrated programmes cater for our 21st century learners.


Glenfield Primary School

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