Havelock North Intermediate School

About the provider

Thank you for considering Havelock North Intermediate as the school of choice for your child’s ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ educational experience. 

Havelock North Intermediate is in the green and lovely township of Havelock North. The school has approximately 500 students and caters specifically for students who are 11-13 years old. Our school has excellent teaching programmes and high-quality facilities.  We will focus on your child’s academic learning and care about their complete wellbeing in a safe and happy environment.

Our school offers:

  • classes that are well resourced for information technology and instruction  that is delivered through modern blended learning practices
  • support for English Language Learners
  • four specialist rooms including an extensively equipped workshop, dedicated science facility, robotics room and food tech room.
  • a place where Performance Arts are promoted and valued: music, choir, dance, drama and orchestra
  • musical instrument tuition if required
  • a wide range of sporting options
  • attractive grounds with many trees, plants, flowers and grass fields
  • up-to-date resources and equipment.
  • a safe, friendly and happy environment in which to learn

I invite you to explore our website and encourage your contact. I would be delighted to answer any questions you may have about education in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and about Havelock North Information in particular.


Havelock North Intermediate School

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