About the provider
Mellons Bay School was opened in February 1960 as a small community school in a coastal setting.It has retained a strong sense of community despite it now being an urban school with approximately 500 students. Past and present students and family maintain strong links with the school.
The Board of Trustees, Parent Teacher Association and staff value highly this commitment and appreciate greatly the ongoing support of the wider community.
The school has maintained a strong positive culture throughout the years. It is mindful of long standing traditions and values and ensures these are always considered as improvements to learning opportunities are made.
The staff is committed to provide a wide range or experiences both withing the classroom environment and as extra-curricular activities.
We are very proud of the way we celebrate the bicultural nature of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. A very large kapa haka group participates in the local festival each year. The school assemblies are an opportunity for celebrating student learning and successes. The merit cups which are awarded each week are highly valued by students, staff and families. Certificates are awarded to students who uphold the school's values.
The primary school years are the beginning of the formal learning journey. Literacy and numeracy are the main focus in the early years. Staff participate in professional development to ensure they are kept abreast of current research.
Resources are maintained to a high level to support learning.To prepare each student for the next stage in their learning journey, we endeavour to support them to become independent, enthusiastic learners with a thirst for knowledge.
To achieve this there needs to be a strong partnership between the school and home.Visitors are welcome at the school. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.
Mellons Bay School
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