About the provider
We're on a mission to make education exactly what you need for the real-world challenges you want to solve. We do it differently so you can make a sustainable, impactful change on the world. Forget the old school. Join the new youniversity.
What is academyEX?
We provide innovative learning programmes that build relevant skills and capabilities to match the requirements of our constantly changing world. Across our faculties & programmes we redefine learning and professional development so you can step into the future with confidence and an ability to create impactful futures.
Learn today, apply tomorrow. With us, expect to get skills, knowledge and connections that you can use now, and to help guide your decisions for the future. With a context not content approach, you apply your practice, your environment or your challenges to your learning. We’re all for flexibility and our stackable learning approach delivers. If you’ve got a master’s degree in sight, with academyEX you can create your pathway there. Pick from a number of micro-credentials and postgraduate certificates to tailor your knowledge and skills in specialised areas and top it off with a real-world project to gain a master’s degree that recognises your capabilities, your expertise and delivers outcomes you can use. academyEX (including faculties The Mind Lab, Tech Futures Lab and Earth Futures Lab) is a Tertiary Education Organisation registered by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to deliver qualifications approved by the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) under the provision of the Education and Training Act 2000. Based on our NZQA External Evaluation and Review (EER) we have been classified as a Category 1 Education Organisation. This means that NZQA are highly confident in our educational performance and self-assessment capability.
99 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023
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