About the provider
Changing the way you learn agriculture.
Agricademy will help build the online and on-farm skills you need for some of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ’s largest industries – for your first job or to upskill if you’re already working on a farm or in agriculture.
With tens of thousands of jobs available on ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ farms, it’s never been more important to invest in training.
Agricademy offers an innovative training model for new entrants and those upskilling that is very different from what’s been on offer before. We believe industry wasn’t getting the training it wanted and many employees were not being equipped with the practical and life skills they needed to do well at work. Agricademy has developed online and on farm training for the generation that gets its information online, lives on their smart phones, and connects on social media.
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