Languages International

About the provider

Languages International is a Category 1 English language school in Auckland, ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. At Languages International, our aim is to be excellent in every aspect of what we are and what we do: our school facilities, our English courses, the training and development of our teachers, support for our students while they are in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, and service to our students and business partners during the booking process.

Our highly qualified, experienced and friendly teaching staff will help you to achieve your learning goals in an effective and enjoyable way.

  • A wide range of courses: We have English language courses and teacher training courses to suit the level and goals of all learners.
  • The Learning Centre: In the Learning Centre, we help you to make your English language course fit your individual needs as closely as possible, with lots of study materials and help from teachers.
  • Testing and counselling: Regular progress testing and one-to-one counselling with your teacher help you to see how close you are to your learning goals.

We want to make sure that you have a wonderful, unique experience in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and at Languages International.

  • Student Services: Our friendly Student Services team is always ready to give you information, advice and other practical help.
  • Counsellors: You will meet a counsellor who speaks your language on your first day at Languages International, and can get their help any time during your course.
  • Accommodation: We arrange your accommodation before you come to ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and our Accommodation staff are always available at school to help you after you arrive.
  • Social Programme: Our range of social, sporting, cultural and tourist activities during the week and at the weekends will give you new experiences, new friends and more chances to speak English in the real world.



Languages International

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