About Us
Montessori is a tried and true education model with schools all over Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. At its heart is a young person in an ever changing world with strong relationships to guide their actions. Montessori guides inspire learning by storytelling, demonstrations, questions and direction to purposeful activities and learning materials.
Adolescents thrive when their learning is meaningful and purposeful. Montessori is the perfect method for delivering just that.
Because self-expression is woven into as much of the programme as possible, you’ll have the chance to explore what it means to you in a variety of ways. So one week you might be designing a logo for something you’re selling at the market, another week you might be learning coding.
Our timetable is flexible and allows for plenty of time to complete your work. In a typical day you might have a maths workshop, a philosophy seminar and some English work due. In between you have independent time to finish up something from the day before, get some fresh air and daydream, or get back to that project you’re passionate about. And all the time you’ll have a dedicated adult to support you.
Key Information
- Region: Auckland
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 12
- Authority: Private : Provisionally Registered
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