About Us
He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, nau mai haere mai ki Te Kura Tuarua o Te Kamo.
To all 膩konga (students) and wh膩nau (families) we warmly welcome you to our school community. Kamo High School seeks to educate our young people to grow into fine adults who will contribute to our society in a positive way. Each student brings a unique set of skills and knowledge with them and we value this diversity, aiming to develop every student as an individual. At Kamo High School we are able to provide students with multiple academic pathways to ensure that they are able to find a fit for themselves for their future.
It is our belief that for our 膩konga (students) to succeed, they need to feel connected and cared for and have confidence in their own abilities. When an 膩konga (student) is comfortable in their abilities they will be encouraged to take risks in their learning and develop as a self-managing individual who, when they leave us, can navigate their own world in a confident and directed manner.
Key Information
- Region: Northland
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 889
- Authority: State
- International roll: 13
Kamo High School
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