About Us
King's College, an independent secondary school in Auckland, ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, is founded on providing the best all-round education it is possible to obtain.
Students who graduate from King’s College have the greatest potential to be successful in life. They look back on their time at King’s with great fondness and treasure the opportunities the College has given them.
King’s College is renowned for providing outstanding educational opportunities for young men and women.
With a long history of strong academic performance, we understand what it takes to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skill to be able to succeed. We are focused on preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of a changing world. Our vision and values outline our commitment to each student’s personal growth.
Key Information
- Region: Auckland
- Co Ed Status: Senior Co-ed; Junior Boys
- Roll Total: 1089
- Authority: Private : Fully Registered
- International roll: 44
King's College
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