Trinity Catholic College Verified

About the provider

Trinity Catholic College is one of Otago's leading achievers in co-educational secondary school education. We are a modern, diverse and multicultural high school, located in the centre of the University city, Dunedin. For the last 30 years we have run a strong international programme which hosts students from over ten countries. Our international students are an integrated part of our school community and our host families ensure our students are happy and settled. Sport and culture also form a major part of school life, ensuring students experience the best that a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ education has to offer. From 1989-2022, the school was known as Kavanagh College.


We offer an internationally recognised comprehensive programme with over 40 options. Students can choose from a wide variety of subjects, including Sciences and Agribusiness, Commerce, Social Sciences , Dance, Drama and Music, ESOL and Languages, Photography and a variety of Technology subjects such as Mechanical Engineering, Carpentry, Textile Design and Digital Technology. All are delivered in modern and spacious learning environments. 

The success rate for Trinity Catholic College students is consistently high, with Excellence endorsements well above the decile 8-10 NZ average at all NCEA levels. 

Teaching and learning is conducted in modern facilities which include computer suites, laboratories, library, building and engineering facilities, a hospitality kitchen, fabric design suite, performing arts suite, music studios and an auditorium. For physical pursuits we offer a gymnasium with a full size basketball court, weights room and tennis courts. The school is also 5 minutes away from an Olympic sized swimming pool, bowling greens, golf courses and the harbour for water sports.


Trinity Catholic College makes student welfare its highest priority. Our international students live within well selected, police vetted homestay families, so that they experience being a valued part of a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ home. Our Homestay Coordinator ensures that students have 24/7 support and that their homestay accommodation is safe, warm and comfortable. She has a close relationship with our homestay families and visits them regularly, so that we can be sure that students are well cared for.

International Student Support

The Director of International Students, Homestay Coordinator and ESOL department all take an active role in the support of International Students.  In addition, we have two school counsellors, and we also have access to same language support as we work closely with the University of Otago.

Extra-curricular activities

Trinity Catholic College offers a range of outdoor and experience opportunities, including but not limited to:

  • Geography field trips to Queenstown, Mt Cook, Central Otago
  • School Production and Musical Performances

  • Formal/Prom for Year 12 and Y13

  • Ski Trips and Outdoor Activities, including Duke of Edinburgh Award

  • Sports such as Basketball, Handball, Curling, Badminton, Football, Rowing and others

  • Marae Visits, Hapa Haka and Pacific Performance

  • Camps and Hiking

  • Regular social events for International Students, including a welcome and farewell party

  • International student summer program for students not sitting NCEA (as required)


Trinity Catholic College

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