Te Aratai College

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About Us

Te Aratai College is a place where every learner is known and valued as an individual and where wh膩nau-school relationships matter. From Linwood High School 1954 to Te Aratai College 2022, our school continues its proud history and we welcome wh膩nau who wish to know more about our community鈥檚 completely rebuilt and stunning school.

Te Aratai College is inspiring from the 650-seat theatre-standard auditorium to the sunny student centre and the student-friendly courtyards. Our design is for personalised student success and reflects the new name gifted to us by Ng膩i T奴膩huriri, Te Aratai College, Pathway to the Sea.

Of course, new buildings alone do not necessarily improve education. The relationship with the teacher 鈥 he t膩ngata, he t膩ngata, he t膩ngata 鈥 and the personalisation of learning are the key for this. However, there is also no doubt that new, purpose-built buildings and spaces that arise from these community values of relationships and personalisation contribute hugely to student success. 

Individuals learn best when who they are 鈥 language, culture, identity 鈥 is affirmed. Enhancing the mana and dignity of the individual is at the heart of Linwood College. 鈥淓kea te pae kahukura 鈥 Ascend to the heights of excellence: This is Te Aratai College.

Key Information

  • Region: Canterbury
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 736
  • Authority: State
  • International roll: 2


85 Aldwins Road, Linwood, Christchurch


Te Aratai College

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