About Us
Waiuku College is an outstanding co-educational secondary school in Franklin, Auckland, ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. We offer the complete learning experience to approximately 1,000 Year 9 to 13 secondary school students.
Our school offers the complete learning experience with a core focus on academic achievement as well as considerable opportunities in Culture, Leadership, Arts, Service, & Sport. As a BYOD Microsoft 365 school, we offer all of our students a local and global learning opportunity anywhere, anytime.
Our school aims to provide the best possible education for all of our students based on our three core values of:
Whanaungatanga (relationships, responsibility)
Whakaute (pride, respect, appreciation)
Kaitiakitanga (guardianship, sustainability)
​These three values are embedded in Te Ara O Waiuku (The Waiuku Way).
Key Information
- Region: Auckland
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 806
- Authority: State
- International roll: 23
Waiuku College
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