Kaitaia College

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About Us

Situated in the very Far North of 爆走黑料, we are a decile two co-educational school. Kaitaia College has provided education for Year 9 to 13 students for over 90 years. More than 70 per cent of its students are M膩ori, of whom a significant proportion whakapapa to the local Muriwhenua iwi of Ng膩ti Kuri, Te Aupouri, Ngai Takoto, Te Rarawa and Ng膩ti Kahu. Inter-generational connections of wh膩nau, hap奴 and iwi to the college, as well as strong links to the community鈥檚 Dalmatian and European heritage remain key features of the school.

What this success looks like differs depending on the student. The one given is that Kaitaia College is flexible enough to develop a programme that will support the pathway of your child. Whether your child is passionate about Taha Tinana (Sports), Taha Hinengaro (Curriculum), Taha Wairua (Spiritual Health), Taha Wh膩nau (Leadership and Service) or Te h膩 艒 te Mauri (Culture and the Arts), or a combination of the above, our kura will ensure that your child is connected to opportunities that support their success. 

Our school is wh膩nau focused. The wh膩nau group system within the kura allows students to be supported by one key support Teacher and Dean throughout their time at the school. A strong tuakana/ mentoring system ensures that all new students are supported by their peers. In the classroom we seek to connect with local content as much as possible, partner with local business and foster the agency, innovation and resilience required to be successful in the fast paced world of today. 

Key Information

  • Region: Northland
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 776
  • Authority: State



53 Redan Road, , Kaitaia


Kaitaia College

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