About Us
Greetings and welcome to Riccarton High School. With just over 1000 students representing over 70 different nationalities, we enjoy a high degree of multi-cultural diversity.
Set on 10 hectares of park-like grounds in the north-western suburbs of Christchurch, Riccarton High School is well known in the local community for its positive, friendly environment.
The school prides itself on the focus that it puts on character building through the Riccarton Way and its associated values: commitment, honesty, respect and excellence.
Our school celebrates a high number of successes each year with academic results above national averages and a large number of our students representing the school, our province and our country in a wide variety of sporting, musical and cultural endeavours.
Top Reasons to study with us
English as a second language
Cultural inclusion
Dance and Drama
Junior Camps
Key Information
- Region: Canterbury
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 1050
- Authority: State
- International roll: 45
- Curriculum: NCEA (NZQA)
Riccarton High School
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