About Us
Hamilton Girls’ High School is an inclusive girl state high school located in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ’s fourth largest city.
Our school is located a short five-minute walk from the Central Business District of Hamilton City.
Students live with a homestay family. Some boarding spaces are also available at Sonninghill Hostel, a few minutes’ walk from the school.
We are proud of the academic results at Hamilton Girls’ High School. We offer over 60 different courses and have a range of diverse programmes for our students. We also have a focus on empowering our students to strive for Scholarship success each year.
At Hamilton Girls’ High School, we support creativity in all students, not just those in art classes. We offer extracurricular activities like clubs, events, and trips to help students understand the importance of arts. These activities also help students improve their skills, contribute to the school, develop leadership, and learn about art and culture outside of school.
Hamilton Girls’ High School is dedicated to encouraging our students to participate in a variety of sporting opportunities. The school has a strong history of success in local, regional and national level competitions particularly in rugby, Sevens, netball, rowing, lacrosse, hockey and basketball. Many students have achieved titles as representatives of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ in both individual and team sports.
We are a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ school with an International School feel. Come and be part of our inclusive Hamilton Girls’ High School student community.
Top Reasons to study with us
70 different nationalities are part of our Hamilton Girls' High School community. This provides an international school atmosphere in a safe and supportive environment.
We are located in the heart of Hamilton city. Hamilton is ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ's fourth largest city and only 90 minutes south of Auckland city.
Our international student group are able to experience a real ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ experience. We provide student trips for our students and also have Kiwi buddies to help new students when they arrive.
We have a school hostel available or students can stay in a homestay family.
Hamilton Girl's High School has many cultural, academic and sporting options available for students.
Key Information
- Region: Waikato
- Co Ed Status: Single Sex (Girls School)
- Roll Total: 1800
- Authority: State
- International roll: 17
- Curriculum: NCEA (NZQA)
Hamilton Girls' High School
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