About the provider
James Hargest is a large co educational Year 7-13 school, based on two campuses on the same street. We have a well established International Programme with an excellent reputation. James Hargest College provides a very friendly and welcoming environment. We have a large vibrant International Friendship Club, who are very inclusive of international students, supporting their integration, and organising social events like ice-skating, dinners, ski trips and ten pin bowling.
Located in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ's most southern city and very close to world renown national parks, beaches and rivers. The airport is 10 minutes and the city centre only 5 minutes by car from James Hargest College. The school is quite multicultural and Invercargill has several ethnic restaurants and grocery stores.
Large high tech libraries with University style facilities, 4 gymnasiums, modern learning environments with free wifi across the campuses, warm and comfortable cafeteria providing Asian food to order. Specialist learning areas in Music, Technology, Art etc.
Curriculum and subject highlights
A wide range of subjects at all levels with students able to choose their own programmes. Excellent opportunities for extension for talented students in Music, Drama, Art and the Languages (Spanish, French and Japanese), Business subjects, Technology, the Sciences and Mathematics. Many of our students gain places in top universities and our alumni are highly successful.
Extra-curricular activities
There is a range of music groups eg choirs, orchestras, rock bands, jazz bands etc. as well as a Major Production that includes a full cast, orchestra and backstage team as well as a sound and lighting crew. There are opportunities for interest in most team and individual sports. If a sport is not available at school there are many local clubs nearby and we will help students to make connections. There are also many service opportunities such as LEO Club, the Environmental Group etc
James Hargest College
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