About Us
Burnside High School is a successful and highly regarded school. Being one of the largest secondary schools in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ affords our students a wealth of opportunities in all aspects of their learning.
Burnside High School is committed to the delivery of the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Curriculum. We are supportive of the curriculum’s stated vision, which is to educate and help develop young ±¬×ߺÚÁÏers.
At Burnside we provide a safe, positive, inclusive learning environment. It is here that students gain the knowledge, skills and personal qualities to choose their pathways in life. Our diversity is our strength and a source of pride. It means that we respect, understand and celebrate the things that make each of us unique. By nurturing wellbeing and relationships, we create real connections – and the result, inevitably, is personal excellence.
Top Reasons to study with us
- We are the biggest high school in the newest city in New Zealand
- We have the largest subject choice out of all South Island high schools (220 subjects offered)
- We are situated in the largest city in the South Island
- We are the closest high school to the largest international airport in the SI. Only 4kms from our school – great for quick getaways. One of two International airports used by Lufthansa during the COVID repatriation flights to Germany
- We are a school of 88 nationalities
- We have the largest full Symphony Orchestra in the SI with over 90 musicians
- We offer six second languages at all year levels – Chinese Mandarin, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Te Reo Maori.
- We have the largest International Programme outside of Auckland
Key Information
- Region: Canterbury
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 2555
- Authority: State
- International roll: 150
- Curriculum: NCEA (NZQA)
Burnside High School
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