Epsom Girls Grammar School

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About Us

Epsom Girls Grammar School is a leading ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ school founded on traditions of service and commitment to girls’ education. We focus on developing young women into confident and resilient learners who actively contribute to their communities.

We are a large school, yet we aim to treat all students as individuals. I want all students to feel they belong and are confident in the School. We focus on identifying and catering for individual learning and pastoral needs.

We promote positive, supportive relationships between students and teachers, which form the basis for learning. We want our students to be confident, active partners in their learning, taking full advantage of all that the School can offer them. Having their own full operating system devices allows students to develop collaborative and independent learning skills. We believe digital citizenship skills are essential for everyone and blended learning using both books and devices is the way we learn.

Key Information

  • Region: Auckland
  • Co Ed Status: Single Sex (Girls School)
  • Roll Total: 2199
  • Authority: State
  • International roll: 126


Silver Road, Epsom, Auckland


Epsom Girls Grammar School

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