About Us
We are the largest multicultural school in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, with 2000 students representing over 50 nationalities. This has a great benefit in preparing our students for the future – a world where multicultural connections will create many opportunities and pathways for success.
Our vision is Piki Atu Ki Te Rangi - Aim High, Strive for Excellence
Our mission is To grow a community of learners to ‘Be the ManuREWA Way’ by living our values of Respect, Excellence, Whanaungatanga and Akoranga.
Our size and diversity also benefit students in the present, as they enjoy being part of a school that always has cause for celebration. We perform with excellence in all aspects – academic, sports, music, arts, dance and drama. This website offers you evidence of our successes.
Key Information
- Region: Auckland
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 2037
- Authority: State
- International roll: 7
Manurewa High School
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