James Cook High School

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About Us

James Cook High School is a diverse and vibrant learning community committed to doing the very best for our students. We welcome your interest in our school and are confident that we can support your child鈥檚 learning in a way that meets their individual learning needs and encourages them to become better learners, contributors to the community and to have the personal motivation to try new things, to set high expectations and to endeavour. We have a team of committed teachers and support staff who will do all in their power to make your child鈥檚 time at James Cook High School both memorable and academically enriching. We look forward to your wh膩nau becoming part of the James Cook High School wh膩nau as we embark on this learning journey together. 

Key Information

  • Region: Auckland
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 1220
  • Authority: State


Dr Pickering Avenue, Manurewa, Auckland
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