Opihi College

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About Us

Opihi College is a relatively small high school (approximately 300 students) offering quality education to Year 7 to Year 13 students. We have the advantage over many larger schools of knowing our students as individuals and therefore being able to tailor their learning programmes to meet their specific needs.

Because we know each student individually, we are able to encourage each of them to challenge themselves and achieve their full potential. Our goal is always to assist our students in striving for personal excellence.

Students are welcomed into the Opihi College family and are introduced to a wide curriculum in the junior school. These years form the foundation for learning at Opihi College. Our school day is structured around wh膩nau time where students meet in small classes with mentor teachers who guide them through many of the issues that affect personal wellbeing, and support them in their personal growth.

Students are encouraged to achieve at the highest possible academic level. In recent years our statistics have shown that students at Opihi College have achieved at a very high level in National Certificate of Education Achievement when compared with other schools both in our region and nationally.

At Opihi College we place an emphasis upon our C.A.R.E. values. These values are:

  • Community
  • Acceptance
  • Respect
  • Excellence

Key Information

  • Region: Canterbury
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 267
  • Authority: State
  • International roll: 3


Richard Pearse Drive, , Temuka


Opihi College

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