Jane Brownie Verified

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About Us

E ng膩 mana, e ng膩 reo, e ng膩 karangatanga maha, t膿n膩 koutou katoa. Warm greetings to you all.

We offer passionate and dedicated staff; a full range of academic and practical subjects; a location in close proximity to the natural environment well utilised by our Outdoor Education programme; extensive co-curricular activities; and a small international programme enabling our international students to integrate and fully experience NZ life.

We have a modern campus complete with a gymnasium, 4 covered sports courts, sports fields, digital technology suite, sound-proof music rooms, school hall, and hard technology rooms.

We have had a vibrant international programme for more that 25 years and continue to attract those students who want something just a little different.

Top Reasons to study with us

Located in the untamed, natural, wilderness

Outstanding Outdoor Education course

Small programme (a low number of international students)

Real 爆走黑料

Key Information

  • Region: West Coast
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 379
  • Authority: State
  • International roll: 10
  • Curriculum: NCEA (NZQA)



140 Hampden Street, Hokitika, Hokitika


Westland High School

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