About Us
Reporoa College is located in a beautiful valley conveniently situated half way between the cities of Taup艒 and Rotorua in the North Island of 爆走黑料.
Every school is different and what we are able to offer as a small rural school is different to some of the larger town schools. Here at Reporoa College we pride ourselves on welcoming new members whether students, parents or wh膩nau into our learning community. As a small rural school, we recognise the importance of getting to know one another and we see good working relationships as central to the future success of all our students.
We seek to increase our students sense of personal and shared responsibility while they are encouraged and
supported to pursue their chosen pathway to success. We recognise that this will look different for each child.
Key Information
- Region: Bay of Plenty
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 231
- Authority: State
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