Tai Wānanga

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About Us

In 2010 Tai °ÂÄå²Ô²¹²Ô²µ²¹ received Ministerial approval to operate as a designated character school pursuant to section 156 of the Education Act. We gained approval to establish two initial sites in Palmerston North (Tai °ÂÄå²Ô²¹²Ô²µ²¹ TÅ« Toa 2011) and Hamilton (Tai °ÂÄå²Ô²¹²Ô²µ²¹ ki Ruakura 2012).


Tai °ÂÄå²Ô²¹²Ô²µ²¹ is a holistic model which provides an inclusive, interactive and nurturing learning experience to ensure health in body, mind and spirit. At the centre of our learning framework is an Individualised Tailored Learning Plan(ITLP) based on career aspirations and exit strategy, strengths, passions and interests. A co-educational model we cater for Y9 to Y13 students with a capped site roll of 120.

The Tai °ÂÄå²Ô²¹²Ô²µ²¹ concept, values and its unique approach to learning was originally developed and founded by, and under the auspice of, Te °ÂÄå²Ô²¹²Ô²µ²¹ o Aotearoa. We acknowledge the leadership of Dr. Rongo Wetere and Bentham Ohia who drove our submission to the point of approval.


Key Information

  • Region: Waikato
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 141
  • Authority: State



Ruakura AgResearch Centre East Street, , Hamilton
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