About Us
Zayed College for Girls is a decile 3, state integrated special character Islamic secondary school for girls Year 7 – 13). It was built by Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahayan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation and opened in January 2001. This unique institution pursues excellence and innovation to provide a supportive Islamic environment for students within the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ context.
Zayed College for Girls provides integrated education in a student centred environment, allowing young women to achieve personal potential, Islamic identity and valued citizenship.
For every girl to develop a beautiful character and academic excellence in a nurturing Islamic environment.
- Kindness
- Appreciation
- Respect
- Equality
Kare in Te Reo Maori is an affectionate term for a friend.
Our values explain the nature of Zayed College for Girls’ collective character, allowing all staff to interact with each other, students, parents and the community in a consistent manner.
Key Information
- Region: Auckland
- Co Ed Status: Single Sex (Girls School)
- Roll Total: 118
- Authority: State : Integrated
Zayed College for Girls
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