About Us
Tokoroa High School is a school situated in the South Waikato town of Tokoroa. Tokoroa is central to most major towns such as Hamilton, Taupo, Rotorua.
We believe we are more than a school and we strive to develop the character, capabilities and civic responsibility of our students. The following are important to us:
High expectations and the pursuit of academic excellence through a 鈥榥o blame, no excuses鈥 learning culture. Our NCEA pass rates are consistently above national average.
An emphasis on traditional values and self discipline achieved through a relentless focus on respect, responsibility for one鈥檚 actions, being considerate of others and striving for personal best.
A 鈥渙ne student at a time鈥 approach to monitoring students as they establish a learning and career pathway through college and beyond.
Developing the talents and interests of all our young people through a wide range of learning programmes, sporting, cultural, leadership and service experiences and opportunities.
Key Information
- Region: Waikato
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 540
- Authority: State
- International roll: 1
Tokoroa High School
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