About Us
​​​​​​​Lindisfarne College is a state-integrated boarding and day school for boys, located on a stunning 22ha park-like campus on the outskirts of Hastings in Hawke’s Bay. Since opening in 1953, Lindisfarne College has had a clear vision: that the young men of Lindisfarne will be of good character and will go on to lead lives of success and significance.
Immersed in the Lindisfarne College culture of excellence, every boy is motivated to discover his strengths - whether it be in the classroom, on the sports field, on the stage or in serving others.
Success, however, is not just measured by what a Lindisfarne boy achieves, but how he chooses to live his life as a good son, brother and friend, and future colleague, husband, father.
Key Information
- Region: Hawke's Bay
- Co Ed Status: Single Sex (Boys School)
- Roll Total: 520
- Authority: State : Integrated
- International roll: 23
Lindisfarne College
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