About Us
Welcome to Rototuna High Schools
Rototuna Junior High School is a Year 7 - 10 school situated in the rapidly growing North East of Hamilton. It opened in 2016 with a founding roll of 634 students, across all year levels. We currently have a roll of 1200.
Rototuna Senior High School opened in 2017 with Year 11 and progressed through the year levels annually with Year 13 in 2019. We currently have a roll of around 500.
The Establishment Board of Trustees was appointed in March 2014. The site was blessed in November 2014, and in January 2015 a soil turning ceremony was held. Future students, parents, local hapu representatives and politicians were in attendance.
The Rototuna High Schools Office provide administration services to both Junior and Senior High. The office team is located on the ground floor of the Senior School.
Key Information
- Region: Waikato
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 517
- Authority: State
Rototuna Senior High School
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