About Us
Welcome to Kaikorai Valley College. Thank you for taking this time to explore and find out just a little bit more about us, a school 鈥渨here excellence is an attitude鈥. We are incredibly proud of our school and everything it stands for, and invite you to come in for a look and find out for yourselves just what we have to offer, and the incredible physical setting in which the school is nestled.
Kaikorai Valley College (KVC) is a medium sized (500 - 550), Year 7 鈥 13 co-educational State Secondary School, situated in a beautiful park-like setting (10 hectares) on the west side of the city. Unique to KVC, is our very own urban farm that provides learning opportunities tied into our broad curriculum. KVC is also very proudly an Enviroschool, meaning we take very seriously the role of looking after not only our own environment but also that in other parts of the city.
At KVC we have a reputation for providing a SAFE learning environment where students receive a high quality education and everyone together is achieving more. In 2020 the school introduced wh膩nau groups as part of its pastoral care system. This has allowed us to form very strong partnerships between the school, child and home. It does mean that every wh膩nau has an immediate point of contact at the school where any issues can be followed through.
Key Information
- Region: Otago
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 514
- Authority: State
- International roll: 39
Kaikorai Valley College
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