About Us
Excited about Learning.
​Mission Statement​
Tauhara College will provide an education which challenges, encourages and supports students to reach their full potential through all aspects of school life.
This will be achieved in a caring environment where the worth, rights, responsibilities and dignity of the individual are fundamental.
Tauharatanga describes a way of 'being' as a school community and a sense of place where there is always a strong emphasis on care, on strong learning-focused relationships, on making the most of all opportunities, on high participation and on high achievement.
​The School Emblem​
Our Waka prow symbolises how students enter Tauhara College to enthusiastically participate in the full range of learning opportunities and during their time at our school they gain a strong sense of themselves as successful learners with a vibrant future ahead of them.
Key Information
- Region: Waikato
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 640
- Authority: State
- International roll: 19
Tauhara College
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