About Us
Morrinsville College is a state co-educational rural secondary school [Decile 6] located in the heart of the Waikato, which has approximately 670 students. It serves the town of Morrinsville and the surrounding Piako district which is largely an intensive dairy farming community. The college is an integral part of the community and receives strong support from it. 鈥淲orking together to provide a quality education in a caring environment鈥 sums up our school vision.
Morrinsville College offers a broad curriculum and subject choice to meet the needs of our diverse range of students. Within this curriculum our students are academically challenged in a context of personalised learner-centred education. Every effort is made to motivate students, and to promote a love for learning and positive attitudes about success, so that they can move successfully into life beyond school.
The school aims to produce confident, tolerant, connected, life-long learners who are actively involved in a balanced lifestyle, who can think quickly and work in teams, effectively manage a wide range of technological tools, who can think quickly and manage themselves and understand their complex world, have mature conversations and feel equally comfortable, mixing, integrating and socialising with those who are younger or older than themselves or who are from other cultures.
Students at Morrinsville College hold strong CLEAR values and uphold our School Motto at all times.
Key Information
- Region: Waikato
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 618
- Authority: State
- International roll: 11
Morrinsville College
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