About Us
Welcome to Birkenhead College – a secondary school situated on Auckland’s North Shore, recognised for its academic excellence, cultural activities and sporting achievements.
Birkenhead College offers quality high school education and the opportunity to gain internationally recognised qualifications. Our size enables us to treat all students as individuals and support them through their school journey to achieve their goals and become well-rounded young adults. We have a reputation as a caring school, with an extensive guidance network to monitor and assist with the progress and welfare of every student, fulfilling​ our statement: Where everybody is somebody. We know our students.
Birkenhead College provides an outstanding learning environment and each student is encouraged to discover their full potential. We believe in being flexible in our approach to education so that we can offer a broad and balanced curriculum designed to meet the diverse learning needs of today’s students.
At this school we place priority on academic attainment and on developing self esteem, initiative, creativity and personal responsibility. We have high aspirations for our students and our well-qualified staff are hugely dedicated to their role in preparing students for the future.
Birkenhead College has a consistently strong academic record and is proud of its significant successes in sporting, cultural and community activities. We offer a wide range of sporting codes for students to excel in, whilst learning the values of teamwork and commitment, and we have well-resourced and modern learning environments that allow students to fulfil their potential.​​​​​​​
Key Information
- Region: Auckland
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 602
- Authority: State
- International roll: 51
Birkenhead College
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