Porirua College

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About Us

T膿n膩 koutou katoa, As-salamu 鈥榓laykum, Kia orana, Talofa lava, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Malo e lelei, Talofa ni and welcome to Porirua College!

PC is a vibrant, modern school which is home to over 550 Porirua students.  Our students, staff and families continue to develop our Porirua East educational vision of VAI - Voice, Action and Identity.  Our students grow their voice to change the way things are and know that learners make a difference based on our multicultural community鈥檚 strength to 鈥榢now who you are, be who you are, show who you are.鈥

Porirua College is in a great place. We have developed a collaborative vision with our school community and across Porirua East schools of how we want our students to learn and the sort of graduates we want to create. We have an innovative curriculum that covers traditional subjects and offers students the opportunity to learn in new areas related to their passions, across year groups.  We have strong student leaders and good NCEA success amongst our school leavers. Our current focus is on growing learning and teaching to engage M膩ori, Pasifika and all our other students in learning as who they are, within their culture.

Key Information

  • Region: Wellington
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 499
  • Authority: State


64 Driver Crescent, Cannons Creek, Porirua
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