About Us
Ours is a student-centred school with strong whanau/community values and support. We actively encourage our students to be respectful, confident and excellent in all their endeavours. Our framework for this is the MOA: Manaakitanga, Ora and Ako.
We believe that constant effort ensures success; our school motto 鈥 constantia vincit 鈥 underpins everything we do.
The school plays a key role in our local community and is committed to providing a high quality, holistic education for its students. One of our key aims is to grow young people who take responsibility for themselves and who are prepared to be active, outward-looking local and global citizens.
We make a concerted effort to be modern in our thinking and pedagogy. This necessitates being open to change, being adaptable and flexible. Staff and students take time to reflect and examine how we can do things better as a school and as individuals.
Key Information
- Region: Manawatu-Whanganui
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 384
- Authority: State
- International roll: 3
Inglewood High School
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