About Us
Nau mai haere mai and welcome to Catholic Cathedral College
Our mission is to live by faith and strive for excellence.
Our Vision is to prepare our young people to step out confidently with an education that has developed their faith in God, their intellect, and themselves as people, so they can be happy and successful contributors to the future society in Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and the world
We further our mission and work towards our vision by living our College motto (to live by faith) and our College values:
MANAAKITANGA – extending care and compassion to others.
WHANAUNGATANGA – a sense of family, and working together providing a sense of connection and belonging.
WHAKAPONO – having faith and trust in God and in each other.
TUTUKI – striving for excellence.
Key Information
- Region: Canterbury
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 457
- Authority: State : Integrated
- International roll: 3
Catholic Cathedral College
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