CC Training Academy Verified

About the provider

Our goal is to enrich the lives of Kiwis through practical and affordable safety training and planning. We aim to have a lasting impact on our community and to become the main authority for asbestos training, cleaning courses, and occupational health and safety courses in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and beyond.

We have been registered with the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) as a Private Training Establishment (PTE) since March 2021.

We have partnered with recognised industry training organisations such as Tectra (Australia) and MTO Group(Australia) in delivering accredited training courses and to constantly develop frameworks that provide information and add value to the workplace. 

Our trainers are highly experienced and qualified in their respective fields. Whether the training is done in-class or online, you can be sure that we are committed to working closely with you to deliver a supportive and stimulating environment that would truly benefit your organisation. 


CC Training Academy

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