About the provider
Delivering legal knowledge – with independence, quality and enduring impact – through legal research grants and scholarships.
From 1992 to 2020 the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Law Foundation – Te ManatÅ« a Ture o Aotearoa – provided grants for legal research, public education on legal matters and legal training. The Foundation supported research in the law and developed legal expertise on major and emerging public policy issues through its legal research grants programme, and a variety of Law ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.
The Foundation is now in recess to allow its funding base to rebuild so that, in time, it can support a new generation of legal research. The Foundation’s last funding round was in July 2020, and we no longer accept new grant applications. However, during its recess period the Foundation will continue to maintain some of its longstanding awards and scholarships and will provide small amounts of funding for projects that will be determined by the board from time to time.
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