About the provider
The Trust was formed in 1988 as the Trust Bank Bay of Plenty Community Trust to hold shares in the Trust Bank Group for the benefit of Bay of Plenty Communities. In 1996 this share, along with all the other shares in the Trust Bank Group, was sold to the Westpac Bank and the sale proceeds of approximately $90m invested by the Trust.
Our name changed by dropping the 鈥淭rust Bank鈥 part in 1998 and changed again to BayTrust in March 2006 to give the Trust a shorter more easily remembered name. We are known as BayTrust, but our official name is the Bay of Plenty Community Trust Incorporated.
Our Area is from Katikati to Turangi to Cape Runaway including Rotorua, Taupo, Tauranga and Whakatane.
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