About the provider
Established in 1994, the Academy changed its name in 2011 to Harrington\Vaughan Academy of Hairdressing. Our purpose built facility at 24 Filleul Street, Dunedin, reflects the modern Salon and Barber environments and is an impressive and innovative teaching space. From entry level training while still at school, (Gateway) through to Professional Stylist and Commercial Barbering qualifications at level 4, H\V Academy can offer you a pathway to the right career for you. The Academy is a registered and accredited Category Two Provider with NZQA and the TEC and is based in the heart of Dunedin City, ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. Harrington\Vaughan is currently the only South Island PTE delivering level 3 and 4 NZ Barber Quals.
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