About the provider
Blueprint for Learning is a large mental health and addiction training provider in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, dedicated to both workforce development and community training projects. It is a NZQA accredited Private Training Establishment (PTE), rated by them as the highest quality Category 1 provider.
It is primarily focussed on delivering MH101 to business and community audiences along with Leading Wellbeing at Work for workplace managers, Addiction 101 for community participants and a series of tailored workshops for businesses. Many of these are free to attend, and can be accessed as one-day workshops or a series of short webinars.
All Blueprint training includes commitment to a philosophy of recovery and empowerment that uses best practice to help people become full and active members of their communities
Blueprint for Learning administrative centre
Blueprint for Learning's administrative centre is in Wellington.
From this base it delivers training all around ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ in locally arranged venues.
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