±¬×ߺÚÁÏ School of Education (NZSE) Verified

About the provider

Founded in 2003, NZSE is an accredited NZQA Category One provider of tertiary qualifications in Business, Early Childhood Education, Healthcare, IT, Retail, Security, Military and University Preparation. With campuses in New Lynn, Manukau, Auckland CBD and Hamilton. 

Whatever career path you choose at NZSE you will get the benefits of practical experience, industry connections and internationally recognised qualifications. NZSE is funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), and we have strong partnerships with leading universities and polytechnics such as University of AUT, Massey and Waikato. Our programmes provide a broad variety of educational opportunities and pathways for both international and domestic students. 



Auckland CBD Campus

242 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010

Hamilton Campus

850 Victoria Street, Hamilton 3204

South Auckland Campus

5A Ryan Place, Manukau, Auckland 2104

West Auckland Campus

3033 Great North Road, New Lynn, Auckland 0600

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