The Professional Bar and Restaurant School

About the provider

Established in 1993, PBRS is a 100% ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ owned and operated specialist hospitality training institute. With campuses located in the central business districts of Auckland and Panmure, PBRS is well placed to deliver quality tuition from within the cosmopolitan hospitality hubs of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.

As a specialist training institute we know the importance of studying in an environment that is completely orientated towards your industry of choice. PBRS combines highly qualified tutorial staff, purpose-built training facilities and a curriculum designed to meet the needs of employers. Thousands of PBRS graduates are working world wide in bars, restaurants, hotels, cafes and on cruise ships: choose a career that's going places and the institute that will take you there!


The Professional Bar and Restaurant School

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