Access Community Health

About the provider

Training is  tailored to meet your needs, flexible as your career develops, and continually evolving in tune with the changing sector in which we work; so you can add to your qualifications and sharpen your skills, all while building on your work experience.

Our courses are either ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) approved or meet industry standards. This training involves a mix of:

  • Face-to-face learning
  • Self-directed study
  • Written assignments
  • Practical assessment in the workplace
  • Work experience.

We also ensure that the training you receive meets your needs (distance learning options are available) and skill levels, particularly if you've found the education system difficult in the past. What's more, any training, skills or experience you already have is recognised and contributes towards your qualification.

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