The Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Development Studies Network (DevNet)

About the provider

The Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ International Development Studies Network is an interface amongst people and organisations working in or researching international development. It facilitates the exchange of ideas, information and research amongst Development Studies’ (and related disciplines’) staff, students and other stakeholders in development. These include aid and development NGOs, private sector development practitioners and government (especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade).

The network has a global reach with over 2,000 members from Aotearoa, the Pacific, Australia, Southeast Asia, India, China and further.

Structure and governance

Overall direction of DevNet is set by the National Forum, which meets during the biennial DevNet Conference; it is open to anyone to attend. Governance is by the steering committee, which meets three times per year. Each Aotearoa NZ university has one representative, while associate representatives come from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Council for International Development.


Main Campus

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