Murrays Bay Intermediate

About the provider

Welcome to Murrays Bay Intermediate school. We are a vibrant middle school situated on Auckland's North Shore. Our school offers quality educational learning opportunities in a modern and stimulating environment. 

At Murrays Bay Intermediate School we have a special way of thinking called 'Invitational learning'. 
This style of learning leads to higher level thinking and invites children to be learning partners in a global world. With our invitational style of teaching our students are invited to think, contribute and collaborate with others. 

Intermediate School is a very important stage in one's schooling. It will be for most people the most wonderful, positive, empowering experience and we are committed to helping that be the case for each and every one of our  students. There will be some specialisation in preparation for College and students will be introduced to many new and interesting aspects of the curriculum. 

To help your child settle in to school, your child can look forward to meeting a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ friend (class buddy) on the first day. They will help your child make lots of friends. A friend from your home country will also be there to help your child settle into class. These students will help your child form warm, caring friendships and this will help your child to improve their English.

New students receive a welcome pack.  An orientation programme in their first language helps new students to understand about living in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and how Murrays Bay Intermediate School operates. If the new student lives in a homestay,  we also give information about ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ homes and family culture.

International Students are encouraged to join in with the many sports,  performing arts and technology activities.


Murrays Bay Intermediate

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