About the provider
Taradale Intermediate School is an International Baccalaureate World School offering world class education in a provincial setting. Our curriculum includes extensive opportunities in academic areas including food, materials, and digital technologies along with sport, citizenship and cultural activities.
We are located at a well-established suburb of Taradale, Napier city. We are a co-education school for boys and girls aged between 11-13 years old (Years 7-8). Our international students live in our carefully selected and managed homestays which meet ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Government requirements.
Our school motto "Seek to Achieve - Whaia kia tutuki" is at the heart of our endeavours as we challenge all students to be the best they can be - through academic challenge, sporting activity, cultural action and service to our school and local community.
Taradale Intermediate School
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