Southwell School

About the provider

Southwell School, established in 1911, is a private school set in spacious park-like grounds in Hamilton City (±¬×ߺÚÁÏ's fourth largest city) which is only a 90 minute drive from Auckland International Airport. Southwell offers a high quality education to 600 students aged 5 to 13 years of age in a caring and supportive environment. Approximately 60 boys and girls are accommodated in the boarding hostel.

Southwell School has 28 classrooms and in addition to the core subjects of English, mathematics and social studies that are taught by the classroom teachers we have specialist teachers taking science, technology, art, pottery, sports, music, drama, French and Chinese in modern purpose built facilities. We also have a learning support department and we offer ESOL lessons.


Southwell School

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