Roslyn School

About the provider

Roslyn school is a member of the Code of Practice, has had International Students since 1998 and provides a welcoming, caring environment for students from different cultures. We cater for pupils in their first 8 years of schooling. Our curriculum delivery is based on The Roslyn Way from the guidelines of the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Curriculum, especially focusing upon Literacy and Numeracy. 

We accept students who wish to immerse themselves in an English-speaking environment by placing them in a regular classroom. ESOL assistance is available to all International Students. All students will be assessed upon arrival on their skill level of English. Roslyn School provides ESOL and students will be placed in groups or taken individually depending on what will best cater for their needs according to their competency in English. 

All students who wish to attend Roslyn School must stay with a member of their family or a relative. It is important that if a family is designated by parents that they must comply with the Code of Practice and it must be indicated on the application form. It is important that students have a genuine desire to learn. They must have a good level of conduct, attitude and attendance. Attendance is compulsory unless sickness occurs. Once students have been accepted they must abide by Roslyn School’s rules and the homestay contract.

Roslyn aims to make the students feel as comfortable and secure as possible while they are away from home. We want students, not only to reach excellent proficiency with their English and studies, but to also enjoy ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ’s wonderful environment and safe and secure lifestyle.

Upon arrival, students will be welcomed and introduced to appropriate staff. Full orientation to the school and our expectations and support systems will be explained to all students. They will also be allocated a ‘buddy’ pupil to help them within the school and ease their way into mainstream classes.


Roslyn School

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